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The rise of the Andes reflected in ignimbrite super-eruptions

The rise of the Andes reflected in ignimbrite super-eruptions

by M. Brandmeier

This storymap summarises and visualizes data and findings from three publications: Brandmeier 2014, Freymuth et al. 2015 and Brandmeier & Wörner 2016. The interested reader is referred to these publications in addition to this online application.

The Andes are the longest mountain range in the world with an N-S extent of ca. 7,000 km. They formed at a convergent plate margin where the Nazca plate is subducted below the South American plate. The average height is about 4,000 m with the highest mountain, the Aconcagua (Argentina), reaching an elevation of 6,962 m ...

Follow this link to read the full article => The rise of the Andes reflected in ignimbrite super-eruptions

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