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Year: 1954

  • Wedepohl, K. H. (1954). Der trachydoleritische Basalst(Olivin-andesin-Basalt) der Backenberges bei Güntersen, westlich von Göttingen. Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, 4, 217-232. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1951

Year: 1950

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  • Kronz, A. & T, R. Karl Hans Wedepohl. Journal of Glass Studies, (59), 454-457. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Nasi S, So A, Combes C, Daudon M, Busso N. Interleukin-6 and chondrocyte mineralisation act in tandem to promote experimental osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016; [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Gras P, Rey C, Marsan O, Sarda S, Combes C. Synthesis and characterisation of hydrated calcium pyrophosphate phases of biological interest. Eur J Inorg Chem. 2013;34:5886--95... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Brantley SL, Olsen AA. Reaction kinetics of primary rock-forming minerals under ambient conditions. In: Holland HD, Turekian KK, editors. Treatise on geochemistry, vol. 7. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2014. p. 69--113... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • White AF, Buss HL. Natural weathering rates of silicate minerals. In: Holland HD, Turekian KK, editors. Treatise on geochemistry, vol. 7. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2014. p. 115--55... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Grissom CA. The deterioration and treatment of volcanic stone: a review of the literature. In: Charola AE, Koestler RJ, Lombardi G, editors. Proceedings of the international meeting ``Lavas and Volcanic Tuffs'', Easter Island, Chile, 25--31 October 1990. p.. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • St Seymour K, Sahin Guchan N, Lamera S, Hatziapostolou A, Kouli M, Vamvoukakis C. Romancing the stone: construction of monuments {&} works of art from volcanic rock. In: Proceedings of the 7th pan-hellenic geographical conference of the Hellenic Geographic.. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Alves CAS, Sequeira Braga MA, Trancoso A. Saline pollution in trachyte monuments of the Azores Islands (Portugal). In: Fassina V, editor. Proceedings of the 9th international congress on deterioration and conservation of stone, Venezia, Italy, 19--24 June.. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Lazzarini L, Antonelli F, Cancelliere S, Conventi A. The deterioration of Euganean trachyte in Venice. In: Lukaszewicz JW, Niemcewicz P, editors. Proceedings of the 11th international congress on deterioration and conservation of Stone, Torun, Poland, 15--.. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Germinario L, Siegesmund S, Maritan L, Mazzoli C. Petrophysical and mechanical properties of Euganean trachyte and implications for dimension stone decay and durability performance. Environ Earth Sci. 2017. doi:10.1007/s12665-017-7034-6... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Gillhuber S, Lehrberger G, Thuro K. Teplá trachyte weathering phenomena and physical properties of a rare volcanogenic building stone. In: Proceedings of IAEG 2006---engineering geology for tomorrow's cities, Nottingham, UK, 6--10 September 2006. 469, p. 1.. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Germinario L, Hanchar JM, Sassi R, Maritan L, Cossio R, Borghi A, Mazzoli C. New petrographic and geochemical tracers for recognizing the provenance quarry of trachyte of the Euganean Hills, northeastern Italy. Geoarchaeology 2017; (in press)... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Germinario L, Zara A, Maritan L, Bonetto J, Hanchar JM, Sassi R, Siegesmund S, Mazzoli C. Tracking trachyte on the Roman routes: provenance study of Roman infrastructure and insights into ancient trades in northern Italy. Geoarchaeology 2017; (in press)... [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
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