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Year: 1991

  • Hornig, I. & Wörner, G. (1991). Zirconolite-bearing ultra-potassic veins in a mantle-xenolith from Mt. Melbourne Volcanic Field, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 106(3), 355-366. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Zheng, Y.-F. & Simon, K. (1991). Oxygen isotope fractionation in hematite and magnetite; a theoretical calculation and application to geothermometry of metamorphic iron-formations. European Journal of Mineralogy, 3(5), 877-886. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. (1991). Chemical composition and fractionation of the continental crust. Geologische Rundschau, 80(2), 207-223. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kramm, U. & Wedepohl, K. H. (1991). The isotopic composition of strontium and sulfur in seawater of Late Permian (Zechstein) age. Chemical Geology, 90(3–4), 253 - 262. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H., Heinrichs, H. & Bridgwater, D. (1991). Chemical characteristics and genesis of the quartz-feldspathic rocks in the Archean crust of Greenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 107(2), 163-179. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Davidson, J. P., Harmon, R. S. & Wörner, G. (1991). The source of central Andean magmas; Some considerations. Geological Society of America Special Papers, 265, 233-244. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1990

  • Wolff, J. A., Wörner, G. & Blake, S. (1990). Gradients in physical parameters in zoned magma systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 43, 37-55. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wörner, G. & Viereck, L. (1990). Individual Volcano Descriptions A10: Mt. Melbourne. Antarctic Research Series, 48, 72-78. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Simon, K. & Hoefs, J. (1990). (O, H, C) Isotopen der KTB-Vorbohrung. , , 540. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Simon, K., Grimmeisen, W., Hoefs, J. & Hoernes, S. (1990). Stabile Isotope an Proben der KTB-Vorbohrung. KTB-Report, 90(4), 89-95. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Simon, K., Hoefs, J., Grimmeisen, W. & Hoernes, S. (1990). Stabile Isotope (O, H, C) an Gesteinen und Mineralen der KTB-Vorbohrung. Die Geowissenschaften, 9, 281-286. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. (1990). Geochemical and petrological indicators for plate tectonic processes during the formation of the Rhenohercynian Belt. , , 17-24 (1990). [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. & Kramm, U. (1990). Drastic change of the Sr and S isotopic composition in seawater at the end of the Paleozoic.. 5th working Meeting 'Isotopes in Nature', Leipzig 1989, Proceedings, , 437-446 (1990). [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. (1990). The composition of the upper Earth's crust and the natural cycles of selected metals. Metals in natural raw materials. Natural resources. , . [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hartmann, G. & Wedepohl, K. H. (1990). Metasomatically altered peridotite xenoliths from the hessian depression (Northwest Germany). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54(1), 71 - 86. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Davidson, J., McMillan, N., Moorbath, S., Wörner, G., Harmon, R. & Lopez-Escobar, L. (1990). The Nevados de Payachata volcanic region (18°S/69°W, N. Chile) II. Evidence for widespread crustal involvement in Andean magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105(4), 412-432. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Simon, K. (1990). Hydrothermal alteration of Variscan granites, southern Schwarzwald, Federal Republic of Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105(2), 177-196. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kramm, U. & Wedepohl, K. H. (1990). Tertiary basalts and peridotite xenoliths from the Hessian Depression (NW Germany), reflecting mantle compositions low in radiogenic Nd and Sr. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 106(1), 1-8. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hartmann, G. & Wedepohl, K. H. (1990). Metasomatically altered peridotite xenoliths from the hessian depression (Northwest Germany). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54(1), 71 - 86. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1989

  • Wörner, G., Viereck, L., Hertogen, J. & Niephaus, H. (1989). The Mt.Melbourne Volcanic Field (Victoria Land, Antarctica) II: Geochemistry and magmagenesis. Geologisches Jahrbuch E, 38, 395-433. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wörner, G. & Viereck, L. (1989). The Mt.Melbourne Volcanic Field (Victoria Land, Antarctica) I: Field observations. Geologisches Jahrbuch E, 38, 369-393. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hoernes, S., Grimmeisen, W., Hoefs, J. & Simon, K. (1989). Größenordnung der Fluid-Gesteins-Wechselwirkung abgeleitet aus Sauerstoff- und Wasserstoff-Isotopendaten der Gesteine und Minerale der KTB-Vorbohrung. KTB-Report, 89(3), 81-82. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Stephan, H. G. & Wedepohl, K. H. (1989). Zur Technologie hochmittelalterlicher Glasherstellung am Beispiel der Funde von der Waldglashütte Steimke im Niemetal (Bramwald). Göttinger Jahrbuch 1989, , 5-18. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. (1989). Die kontinentale Unterkruste - ein Schwerpunktprogramm, Geowissenschaften. Mitteilung XVII der Senatskomission for Geowissenschaften der DFG, , 15-32 (1989). [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H., Hartmann, G. & Stephan, H. G. (1989). Zur Technologie hochmittelalterlicher Glasherstellung am Beispiel der Funde von der Waldglashütte Steimke im Niemetal (Bramwald). Göttinger Jahrbuch 1989, , 5-18. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
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