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Year: 2013

  • Kwékam, M., Affaton, P., Bruguier, O., Liégeois, J.-P., Hartmann, G. & Njonfang, E. (2013). The Pan-African Kekem gabbro-norite (West-Cameroon), U–Pb zircon age, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes: Geodynamical implication for the evolution of the Central African fold b. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 84, 70 - 88. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hormes, J., Roy, A., Bovenkamp, G. -., Simon, K., Kim, C. -., Börste, N. & Gai, S. (2013). Medieval glass from the Cathedral in Paderborn: a comparative study using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, and inductively coupled laser ablation mass spectrometry. Applied Physics A, 111(1), 91-97. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Graue, B., Siegesmund, S., Oyhantcabal, P., Naumann, R., Licha, T. & Simon, K. (2013). The effect of air pollution on stone decay: the decay of the Drachenfels trachyte in industrial, urban, and rural environments—a case study of the Cologne, Altenberg and Xanten cathedra. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(4), 1095-1124. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 2012

  • Wedepohl, K. H. & Simon, K. (2012). Chemical characteristics (REE, etc.) of Paleozoic and Mesozoic graywackes and sandstones from Central Europe. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 164(4), 693-696. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Słaby, E., Martin, H., Hamada, M., Śmigielski, M., Domonik, A., Götze, J., Hoefs, J., Hałas, S., Devidal, J.-L., Moyen, J.-F. & Jayananda, M. (2012). Evidence in Archaean Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts for High-Temperature Interaction with Mantle Fluids. Journal of Petrology, 53(1), 67-98. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kerkhof AM, . & Müller, A (2012). Analysis of Low Element Concentrations in Quartz by Electron Microprobe. In Götze, Jens, Möckel & Robert (editors), Quartz: Deposits, Mineralogy and Analytics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Geilert, S., Freundt, A., Wörner, G. & Kutterolf, S. (2012). Geochemical differences between along-arc and across-arc volcanics in west-central Nicaragua. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 35, 38 - 50. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kronz, A. (2012). Metallurgie im Römerlager Hedemünden und im römischen Kleinlager Kring bei Oberrode -Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen. In: Grote K: Römerlager Hedemünden. Der augusteische Stützpunkt, seine Außenanlagen, seine Funde und Befunde.. Veröffentlichungen der archäologischen Sammlungen des Landesmuseums Hannover, 53, 265-279. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kronz, A., Räuschel, H., Salzmann, E. & Simon, K. (2012). Geochemische Charakterisierung von Waldglas aus dem Kaufunger Wald und seiner Ausgangsstoffe. In: Schlütter F, Greiff S, Prange M (Hrsg):. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2012, Metalla Sonderheft(5), 185-188. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Tchouankoue, J., Wambo, N. S., Dongmo, A. & Wörner, G. (2012). Petrology and geochemistry of Phanerozoic basalts dykes from the Precambrian basement of the southern continental part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Geodynamic implications.. Open Geology Journal, 6, 32-44. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. & Kronz, A. (2012). Chemische Untersuchungen an Farbglasscheiben aus den Westchor-Fenstern des Naumburger Domes. Der Naumburger Meister Bd. 3. Schriftenreihe der Vereinigten Domstifter zu Merseburg und Naumburg und des Kollegialstifts Zeitz, , 442-427. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Wedepohl, K. H. & Kronz, A. (2012). Die Verglasung des Alten Domes in Köln. In: Back U, Höltgen Th, Hochkirchen D: Der Alte Dom zu Köln. Schock-Werner B, Hardering K, Lambert B, (Hrsg). Studien zum Kölner Dom, 12, 199-204. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Loeser, R. F., Goldring, S. R., Scanzello, C. R. & Goldring, M. B. (2012). Osteoarthritis: a disease of the joint as an organ. Arthritis Rheum, 64. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Roemhildt, M. L., Beynnon, B. D. & Gardner-Morse, M. (2012). Mineralization of articular cartilage in the Sprague-Dawley rat: characterization and mechanical analysis. Osteoarthr Cartil, 20. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Sun, Y. & Mauerhan, D. R. (2012). Meniscal calcification, pathogenesis and implications. Curr Opin Rheumatol, 24. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Dhollander, A. A., Lambrecht, S., Verdonk, P. C., Audenaert, E. A., Almqvist, K. F., Pattyn, C., Verdonk, R., Elewaut, D. & Verbruggen, G. (2012). First insights into human acetabular labrum cell metabolism. Osteoarthr Cartil, 20. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Karátson, D., Telbisz, T. & Wörner, G. (2012). Erosion rates and erosion patterns of Neogene to Quaternary stratovolcanoes in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes: An \{SRTM\} \{DEM\} based analysis. Geomorphology, 139–140, 122 - 135. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Ruschel, K., Nasdala, L., Kronz, A., Hanchar, J., Többens, D., Škoda, R., Finger, F. & Möller, A. (2012). A Raman spectroscopic study on the structural disorder of monazite–(Ce). Mineralogy and Petrology, 105(1-2), 41-55. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • HEIM, C., LAUSMAA, J., SJÖVALL, P., TOPORSKI, J., DIEING, T., Simon, K., HANSEN, B. T., Kronz, A., ARP, G., REITNER, J. & THIEL, V. (2012). Ancient microbial activity recorded in fracture fillings from granitic rocks (Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden). Geobiology, 10(4), 280-297. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hetzinger, S., Halfar, J., Mecking, J. V., Keenlyside, N. S., Kronz, A., Steneck, R. S., Adey, W. H. & Lebednik, P. A. (2012). Marine proxy evidence linking decadal North Pacific and Atlantic climate. Climate Dynamics, 39(6), 1447-1455. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Karátson, D., Telbisz, T. & Wörner, G. (2012). Erosion rates and erosion patterns of Neogene to Quaternary stratovolcanoes in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes: An SRTM DEM based analysis. Geomorphology, 139–140, 122-135. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 2011

  • Wotzlaw, J. F., Decou, A., von Eynatten, H., Wörner, G. & Frei, D. (2011). Jurassic to Palaeogene tectono-magmatic evolution of northern Chile and adjacent Bolivia from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and heavy mineral provenance. Terra Nova, 23(6), 399-406. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Słaby, E., Śmigielski, M., Śmigielski, T., Domonik, A., Simon, K. & Kronz, A. (2011). Chaotic three-dimensional distribution of Ba, Rb, and Sr in feldspar megacrysts grown in an open magmatic system. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162, 909-927. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Słaby, E., Martin, H., Hamada, M., Śmigielski, M., Domonik, A., Götze, J., Hoefs, J., Hałas, S., Simon, K., Devidal, J.-L., Moyen, J.-F. & Jayananda, M. (2011). Evidence in Archaean Alkali Feldspar Megacrysts for High-Temperature Interaction with Mantle Fluids. Journal of Petrology, . [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Török, Á., Licha, T., Simon, K. & Siegesmund, S. (2011). Urban and rural limestone weathering; the contribution of dust to black crust formation. Environmental Earth Sciences, 63, 675-693. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
Results 151 - 175 of 691


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